Welcome to my first blog post for my MA in Indie Games Development.

So, this week was the start of my journey on the MA in Indie Games Development. It’s been a good few years since I’ve last done any academic studies and despite being hugely excited about (finally!) starting a Games Design course, I have been a bit lethargic getting into the study mindset.
However, as the week has gone on, I’ve got my bum in gear and managed to make a start on this blog using Wix* and am looking forward to adding both to it’s written and visual content. This is the first blog I’ve started, so it’s going to be a learning experience!
Over the next few days, I’m going to continue to develop the blog and provide another update once I’ve completed this week’s challenge activity – which involves using objects around the home to create a custom avatar of myself.
In lieu of having anything else to add as an image, I thought I'd share one of the earliest games I can remember playing as a wide eyed youngster - Pitfall II on the Atari 2600 - which, was also the first video game that I completed!**
* Not everything is fully functional yet, but it's on my to do list!
**Some years later...