Week 8's resources and challenge activity was based around level design.
We were tasked to design the levels, environments, missions and quests (where appropriate for our game. Due to the limitations (so far) of my programming knowledge and the tutorials that I have followed, I've had to limit my ideas and expectations for this demo and generally work within the game mechanics of platforming, melee attacks, gem collection for high scoring purposes and basic enemy movements.
As mentioned in previous blogs, I've used games such as Super Mario Bros, Ghosts and Goblins, Switchblade and James Pond 2: Operation Robocod as my main influences - with Super Mario Bro being a major influence in my level design.
As described in the YouTube video by Extra Credits (2014), Mario's 1-1 level is a master work of level design due to the way it give subtle clues and allows the player to explore and discover what they need to do without the use of in-game tutorials and reading the user manual.
I started the level design challenge by first sketching and planning out some of my level ideas on paper after replaying some of the above mentioned games.
The environment design is supposed to be a craggy, hilly area full of pumpkin patches that have been infected by some kind foul magic - which has left lots of purple gems around. This magic has given life to some of the pumpkins and turned them evil...
I then blocked it in using the collision layer in Game Maker Studio 2 and made sure the collisions and jumping distances worked.

Next I added in interactive elements such as gems, destructible items and enemies. There would only be one type of enemy for the first level to allow the player to acclimatise to the gameplay more readily.

The idea for the initial starting area was to show the player which direction they have to go in, how a melee attack works and how they can restore health.
I belatedly added in visual cues and guidance (which can been seen in later blogs) to further help new players. These may or may not make the final product.

Below is the completed introductory level (the player starts next to the scarecrow stand on the left) with the exit on the far right (unmarked).
The following images (1-8) show the initial starting area:
1) The player can only progress by moving right and curious or destructive players are rewarded with health by destroying the hay stack, once learning this, they might also try to destroy other in game elements and will be rewarded with gems.
2) To progress further, the player will need to jump onto and over the rocks.
3) After completing some jumping actions, the player will see an enemy character moving from left to right - A few things can happen here, they can jump up and attack it, avoid it by jumping over it or walk into it - losing health.
It's up to the player how they tackle this, but if they attack the enemy character it will drop a collectable gem (adding to their score if picked up). The player will then see some floating gems, which they must pick up (as they cannot be avoided) - learning that these gems are also collectable.
4) Next, if the player drops into the hole they will potentially learn the double jump (if they haven't done so already by accident) by pressing the jump action in quick succession. They may also escape by jumping one step at a time. once they've got out, they will need to time their landing and decide how to deal with another enemy encounter.
5) The player now has a choice of which direction to go in, they can follow the floating collectable gems as they arc to a higher (floating) platform with single enemy character on. Or...
6) ... they can drop down into a deeper pit like area with with many gems and two crossing enemies. If the player has still not learned how to double jump, they should be able to learn it now through trial and error.
7) After using the double jump to escape, the player is free to re explore the level or continue heading right towards the end of the level by leaving the screen*
8) The player no starts the next level from a vantage point to where they finished the previous one - to give the perception of continuity. The start of the level is similar to the previous one in both enemy type and pattern, but will gradually add more features such as falling hazards and additional enemies.
* I may add a signpost style sprite here to help guide the player.
The images below show a similar design process for the next three levels, where I've introduce new hazards that stack with each progressive level. For example, level 1-2 has falling hazards and a new fire breathing pumpkin enemy alongside the smaller walking pumpkin enemies.
Level 1-2: introduces more difficult platforming action - with chasm hazards and a new tougher enemy with different movement patterns and attacks.

Level 1-3: introduces vertically leaping pumpkins, trickier platforming action and (briefly) spike traps.

Level 1-4: introduces the Bat-goblin enemy along side narrower, more difficult platforming elements

I've tried to use many of the subtle design features throughout my levels to give players a progressive challenge that introduces new features frequently enough to keep them engaged and curious.
Overall though, I'm happy with the level designs that I have achieved and feel they flow well. If I have the time, I will likely add additional (mini) level types that add downward vertical, spiral and staircase movement to increase level variety. Additionally, if I'm able to add in extra play controls - such as a missile attack, I will redesign aspects of each level to take advantage of this.
Extra Credits (2014). Design Club - Super Mario Bros: Level 1-1 - How Super Mario Mastered Level Design. YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZH2wGpEZVgE. [Accessed 4 May 2021].
Extra Credits (2014). Design Club - Portal: Test Chambers - Tutorial Mechanics. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_AsF3Rfw8w [Accessed 4 May 2021].
Riot Games (2018). So You Wanna Make Games?? | Episode 4: Environment Art. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37LVhP15zGw [Accessed 23 Mar. 2021].
Snoman Gaming (2018). Bad Game Design- (Some) NES Games. [online] Available at: https://youtu.be/r1zhhd-JrqA [Accessed 4 May 2021].
Snoman Gaming (2016). Good Game Design - Rayman Origins: When Art Meets Gameplay. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daW7-rhgSwg [Accessed 4 May 2021].
Adam Millard (2019. Leveling Up Progression Systems. [online] Available at: https://youtu.be/gDQX3jk5xxc [Accessed 4 May 2021].
Chubzdoomer (2019). [DOOM] John Romero’s Level Design Rules. [online] Available at: https://youtu.be/ptHurafdCoQ [Accessed 4 May 2021].
Egoraptor (2011). Sequelitis - Mega Man Classic vs. Mega Man X. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FpigqfcvlM [Accessed 23 Mar. 2021].
Super Mario 3D World’s 4 Step Level Design | Game Maker’s Toolkit. (2015). YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBmIkEvEBtA.
Game Maker’s Toolkit (2018). How Mega Man 11’s Levels Do More With Less. [online] Available at: https://youtu.be/nYxHMZX6lN8 [Accessed 4 May 2021].
John (2020). Kishōtenketsu: Exploring The Four Act Story Structure. [online] The Art of Narrative. Available at: https://artofnarrative.com/2020/07/08/kishotenketsu-exploring-the-four-act-story-structure/ [Accessed 4 May 2021].